In 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand, an earthquake claimed 185 lives. The damage exceeded $40 billion.

About 70% of the damage was related to non-structural damage. That is, structures that were still in good structural condition were demolished because it was more cost-effective to demolish the buildings than to remediate them.  

Subsequent earthquakes led to new buildings, never occupied, also being demolished because the non-structural damage was so great.

With similar building practice to California, we recognized the need for two specific areas where damage could be substantially reduced - Suspended Ceilings, and Part high walls.

Today, we have the most advanced patented and tested solutions in the world for those areas of construction with over 30,000 units installed in the US, Australia and New Zealand.

Our products have been fully tested and approved under California’s HCAI (OSHPD) OPM pre-approval regime. Those OPMs are also approved for use in all DSA projects.

Our OPMs have also been used in Federal projects because of the proven testing that HCAI requires.

Installations are consistent because our solutions are pre-manufactured and require less labor, fewer attachments, shallower embedment than traditional OPD or IR-25 details.

Installers can use less skilled staff to produce stronger outcomes at highly competitive pricing.

We sell our solutions direct online to specialty contractors and pre-manufactured wall companies across all geographies.

Our solutions allow building owners to cost-effectively mitigate risk while increasing resilience in both new and existing construction. We save lives and reduce liability by compliance with the high standards established by HCAI and manufacturers’ warranties. We are active participants in trade ad certification organizations.

Architects can now specify and have contractors build. suspended ceilings and interior partition walls knowing that injuries are reduced, and lives are saved. Business continuance after a major seismic event is possible, all at a reduced cost to conventional methods.

We provide the ultimate win-win with safer buildings, reduced costs, and faster implementations. Our solutions are the result of real-world experience in seismic countries, coupled with extensive testing.

Wherever you work, if seismicity is an issue, then we have solutions for you that have been thoroughly researched, tested, and proven in actual seismic events. 

Call us at 619 917 1688 or email us at bryce.hodgson@bracelok.com


We bring together worldwide experts in Construction, Engineering, and Design to provide well-researched, practical solutions to seismic issues.

We were born out of the need to provide better solutions in earthquake zones where the major loss of life and property damage had occurred.

In conjunction with our industry partners such as Armstrong®, CertainTeed and USG we ensure that our solutions are focused on lifesaving, cost-saving, solutions that are easy to implement, and always exceed HCAI and DSA requirements.

Our research and development teams are tasked with bringing innovative solutions to the construction industry after consultation with all interested parties - manufacturers, owners, designers, implementors and code builders.